Nine Shocking Places Where You Might Find a Ghost

shower ghost

Whether you like it or not, ghosts are practically everywhere. They don’t just haunt old mansions or lurk in the shadows at cemeteries. Often, they loiter at places that gave them the most comfort when they were alive.

  1. Restaurants – Restaurants are places where enjoyable memories are created, so it shouldn’t be surprising that a few regular guests still pay a visit to their favorite haunt in the afterlife. They are drawn to the influx of energy and the swells of laughter and delectable aromas of their favorite foods. Habits are hard to break, even after death. If a man always brought his wife to their favorite restaurant on Friday nights, he might still pop in to reminisce.
  1. Movie Theaters – Everything has energy, including ghosts. While they can no longer eat to refuel themselves, they still need energy to survive. Sometimes they pull this energy from our batteries or electrical devices, but other times they get it from us directly. What better place to get a recharge than at a suspenseful horror flick or action adventure movie where emotions run high? My local cinema has several resident ghosts and they always seem to find the movies where they’ll get the best pay off.
  1. Hospitals – Why anyone would remain at a hospital after he or she has died is beyond comprehension, but it happens. Perhaps after death, they get lost at the place where they took their last breath and don’t know where to go, or maybe they enjoy the steady stream of people coming in and out of the buildings. Either way, hospitals are often quite haunted. Ask any medium and you’ll get your confirmation.
  1. Nursing Homes – This falls under the same basic category as hospitals, but for other reasons. Nursing homes are often filled to the brim with lost souls. Some might be confused, preferring to remain in a place they are familiar with instead of facing a greater unknown. Others might be hanging around to help a friend or loved one pass over. Health care workers have supported this theory over the years after experiencing situations they can’t easily explain.
  1. Police Stations – If you were murdered and you wanted to tell someone who did it, where would you choose to haunt? You could spend your time chasing after your murderer, or you could hang around the police station, hoping an alert officer will detect your presence.

Watch the video below of a ghost caught on camera at an Espanola, New Mexico police station.


  1. Churches – Many lost souls hang around our plane of existence because of guilt over a past deed. If they feel their sin is great enough, they might balk at crossing over into the light for fear of where it will bring them. By dwelling at a church, they might feel closer to God and hope to find redemption for their sins. Churches are also frequently used for funerals, especially in bygone eras, so it might be the last place they remember being, as well.
  1. Amusement Parks – What better place to spend your Hereafter than a theme park? Energy is plentiful, with hordes of happy people coming in and out of the park all summer long, and the fun is never ending. Another reason for the frequent hauntings is something you might not have considered. A recent article in The Ghost Diaries points to a creepier reason. Click the link to find out why and to watch a video of a ghost captured on camera at Disney World.
  1. Antique Stores – think long and hard about bringing home a turn-of-the-century hand tool or child’s toy. Objects with a strong emotional attachment in life, could have a connection in death, as well. Objects such as paintings, mirrors and jewelry were often passed down through families and could have a sentimental value to someone who has died. If you purchase one of these items and begin hearing bumps in the night, you should know why.
  2. Hotels – Road weary travelers are often if for a surprise when they check into their hotel room for the night. Something doesn’t seem quite right. They might get the feeling they are watched and wake up the next morning feeling tired and drained. Ghosts often hang around old hotels for an assortment of reasons. It might have once been a comforting place for them or it could have been the last place they visited while they were alive. Hotels won’t tell you this, but suicide victims are sometimes found in hotel rooms. A despondent soul might have checked into a hotel room so his body would be found by the hotel staff instead by his family. After dying, he might have panicked, fearful of going to Hell, like he learned in church, and inadvertently remained in our plane of existence.

You might not be aware of the ghosts lingering at these locations. In many cases, they would rather be left alone. Sensitives and mediums, such as myself, know better. We encounter them in many places people would never expect to be haunted.

The next time you’re eating at your favorite restaurant and feel a cold breeze on the back of your neck, you might blame it on the wind, but it might be something else altogether.

Joni Mayhan is a paranormal investigator, author, and the teacher of a popular Paranormal 101 class. For more information about her, check out her website

Click the book covers below to learn more about Joni’s paranormal books, available on

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Haunted Objects


Things were moving around in the house while no one was there.

A loaf of bread flew across the kitchen. Doors were opening and closing by themselves.

When Kim Huertas and her team were called in to investigate, they had no idea it would be as simple as removing a painting.

It was their very first investigation as a team. A friend of a friend asked them to come in to help, knowing of Kim’s abilities as an empathic medium. When they arrived, they saw some of the paranormal events with their own eyes.

Kim’s son took a picture of a mirror, catching himself in the frame. When they looked at the photo, they were surprised by what they saw. An enormous shadow person was looming directly behind him. Handprints would be found on the mirror shortly after, much too large for anyone in the house. The activity was escalating.

When Kim came into the kitchen to talk to the homeowner, the woman just stood there, looking at her with eyes that were deader than dead. Something was wrong with her, but Kim wouldn’t understand the extent of it until she opened her mouth to speak.

“How would you like it if I poked your eyes out with an ice pick?” she asked.

Kim backed out of the room slowly, never letting the woman out of her sight until she was a safe distance. She returned later with another group and together they began putting together the pieces of the puzzle.

Every time they tried to take photos in one specific room, the photos wouldn’t come out. Kim looked around, her gaze landing on a painting.

“Where’d you get that?” she asked.

The homeowner glanced at it, all memory of the ice pick threat long gone from her mind. “Oh, my ex-boyfriend sent it,” she said, as if it didn’t matter.

Kim would dig and learn that the painting was actually painted by her ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend. As it turns out, her mother practiced voodoo. The painting had a very powerful spell placed on it. Once it was removed from the household and the house was thoroughly cleansed, all the strange activity ceased, and life went back to normal.

When it was all over, the woman’s son told Kim something she’d never forget. “He hates you,” he told her, glancing towards the window. “You made him fly out the window, so he hates you now.”

All because of a painting.

This is why I’m very, very careful of what I purchase. I love going into antique shops and looking around. In fact, my friend Sandy and I play a game we call “find the haunted item.”

We will split up and walk the store until we find something with a hidden attachment, and then we’ll send the other one into the room to see if she can find it.

Being clairaudient, it is actually fairly easy for me. I just follow the sound of the tone. As I come into the room, I can hear it very faintly. I’ll play a game of warmer/colder, until the sound grows louder and I’m directly in front of it. Then, I put my hand on it, feeling for vibrations. Sometimes an image will pop into my head and I get an impression of who owned the item. Sometimes it doesn’t.

“It’s this lamp,” I told Sandy and she nodded. She’d felt it too in her own way.

We’re actually getting fairly accurate with it. It has helped us hone our sensitivities and has prevented us from bringing home haunted items.

My mother once shared a story with me about an old wardrobe cabinet her grandmother had in her bedroom. She was just a young girl, visiting her grandmother Carter in Louisville. She remembers being frightened every time she went into Carter’s bedroom.

“The boogeyman lives in that closet,” Carter told her.

She’d give it a wary glance and retreat out of the room. If Carter sent her into her bedroom for something, she’d stare at the wardrobe the entire time she was in the room, fearful something was going to jump out at her.

As an adult, my mother looked back at the memory and laughed.

“Carter probably just told me that to keep me out of her wardrobe,” she told me.

“But, what if she didn’t?” I asked, knowing there was more to the story. After Carter died, my mother was supposed to gain possession of the bedroom furniture, but it didn’t happen. Another relative came in before she could get there and took the wardrobe. My mother was furious. It caused a rift in the family that would never be repaired. It took thirty years for it to make any sense to her.

All it took was a question.

“Did you ever think that maybe Carter was protecting you from it?” I asked.

She stared at me, as the wheels and gears spun behind her eyes.

It’s possible, even probable, that the wardrobe wasn’t haunted. It could have just been chance that another relative grabbed it before my mother could get to it. But what if it wasn’t? She would have brought home a very haunted cabinet where her children lived, including one who was a budding sensitive, something Carter must have suspected. If Carter knew there was a boogeyman in the cabinet, then she must have had some ability herself.

I never heard what happened to the wardrobe. The rift it created separated the family, never to be repaired. Most of the people who were involved have long died and the furniture probably made its way into another home or an antique shop, perhaps.

These things happen more often than you’d think.

A beloved possession can be hard to let go of.  It’s no different than a beloved house. A rocking chair, a walking cane, a mirror on the wall – they’re all potential items.

My advice to you: be careful when purchasing anything that once belonged to someone else. If your instincts tell you something’s amiss, it very well might be. If the hairs stand up on the back of your neck as you touch it, let it go. If you have dreams about it after seeing it for the first time, resist the calling. And by all means, if you bring it home and doors start opening and closing of their own accord, get it out.

Antiques can be lovely. They can be valuable, historical, and even cherished.

Just be careful they aren’t also haunted.

Joni Mayhan

Joni Mayhan is a paranormal investigator, as well as a free-lance writer. Please check out her paranormal thrillers on and For more information about the author, please see her website:

The Soul Collector – The true story of one paranormal investigator’s worst nightmare

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Angels of Ember trilogy – After a devastating virus nearly wipes the world clean of people, 16 year-old Ember Pain grows tired of running and hiding from the bad men who hunt her and her younger sister, Elizabeth. Fighting back becomes a necessity, even if it threatens her very life.

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